Copy files in folders from a Document Library to disk


Copy SharePoint files in folders to disk

A common request is extracting all the files within folders in a document library. The simple script below allows one to specify a source folder, library, web, and output location. The $TargetRootFolder can be found as a URL parameter in the URL when viewing the target folder for migrating. The script preserves the full URL structure including all folders and subfolders. Recursion makes this clean and simple.

$webUrl = "http ://SharePoint/sites/MyWeb"
$destination = "L:OutputLocation" 
#derived right from the URL when viewing the folder, this works:

$web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $webUrl

function ProcessFolder 
	$folder = $web.GetFolder($folderUrl)    
	if (!$Folder.exists)
		Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkRed "Whoops, folder at source does not exist, please recheck"
	$destinationfolder = $destination + "/" + $folder.Url

	if (!(Test-Path -path $destinationfolder))         
		$dest = New-Item $destinationfolder -type directory          

	foreach ($file in $folder.Files) 
	$binary = $file.OpenBinary()         
	$stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($destinationfolder + "/" + $file.Name), Create         
	$writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($stream)         
	Write-Host "+" -NoNewline
		foreach ($sf in $folder.SubFolders)
			ProcessFolder($sf.url)  #Not quite Ackerman's function, this is first order recursion

Now, if you need to ensure no documents ever overwrite, such as if you rename on the fly, here’s a bit of code that will cycle through optional filenames until one is found that does not exist.

while (test-path $OutFileName)
$OutFileName=$destinationfolder + "/" + $inc+$JPName
Write-Host "!" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed

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