Clearing out all SharePoint document versions for a set of documents Clearing out all SharePoint document versions for a set of documents
Joel Plaut

Joel Plaut

May 04, 2013

All Post

Wiping out all SharePoint document versions for a set of documents

Sometimes users create many versions of a document inadvertently. An example is a PDF, where properties may have been edited frequently. In SP2013 there is Shredded Storage, which handles storage of deltas (differential save). in SharePoint, 2010 versions can result in a lot of wasted disk storage. Let’s clean it up!

$web=Get-SPWeb "ht tp://SharePoint"
   for ($i=0;$i -lt $web.Lists.Count;$i++)
   $SkipLib=$true; #true
   if ( ($JPlib.BaseType -ne "DocumentLibrary") -or ($JPlib.hidden) )
      # forget the rest and return to top
      Write-Host -foregroundcolor blue "fast test skipping Library: $($JPlib)";   
      Add-Content $mylogfile "Skipping Library: $($JPlib.title)`n";   
    elseif ($JPLib.Title -Match "SitesAssets|Photo|Image|CustomizedsReports|Templates|Pages|Picture|cache|style|Slide")
      # forget the rest and return to top
      Write-Host -foregroundcolor blue "fast test skipping Library because it mentions $Matches: $($JPlib)";   
      Add-Content $mylogfile "Skipping Library: $($JPlib.title)`n";   
    elseif ($JPLib.BaseTemplate -ne "DocumentLibrary")   #alternatively, only skip if -eq XMLForm
      # forget the rest and return to top
      Write-Host -foregroundcolor blue "fast skipping Library because it is not of base DocumentLibrary, it is BaseType:$($JPlib.basetemplate): $($JPlib.title)";   
      Add-Content $mylogfile "fast skipping Library because it is not of base DocumentLibrary, it is BaseType:$($JPlib.basetemplate): $($JPlib.title)`n";   
    elseif (($JPLib.ThumbnailsEnabled) -or ($JPLib.DefaultView -eq "AllSlides"))
      # forget any library with thumbnails, these are not normal doclibs, and return to top
      Write-Host -foregroundcolor blue "fast test skipping Library because it has Thumbnails/Slides $($JPlib)";   
      Add-Content $mylogfile "fast test skipping Library because it has Thumbnails/Slides: $($JPlib)`n";   
    {  $SkipLib=$false; }
    if (!$SkipLib)
      write-Host -foregroundcolor darkgreen "Processing Library to Merge: $($JPlib)";   
      Add-Content $mylogfile "Processing to merge: $($JPlib)`n"; 
       $JPItems = $JPLib.items;
       $JPCount = $JPitems.count;
          for ($itemIndex=0; $itemIndex -lt $JPCount; $itemIndex++)
            if ($FName -match ".pdf") #you choose the criteria, here I match on pdfs
                Write-Host "Deleting $($JPFile.Versions.Count), size of each: $($,$($JPitem.url)"
            continue; # don't mess with timestamp/author just yet
                [System.DateTime]$date = $SourceItem["Modified"]
                try {
                $TargetItem["Editor"] = $SourceItem["Editor"]
                    write-host -foregroundcolor red "Error could not assign editor of $($targetItem.url)"
                {  # two deletes required
                    write-host -foregroundcolor red "Warning: could not delete old version of $($targetItem.url)"

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