SharePoint Group Management SharePoint Group Management
Hiren Senjaliya

Hiren Senjaliya

January 05, 2017

All Post

Managing SharePoint Groups in PowerShell

SharePoint Groups are a great mechanism for managing user permissions; however, they exist within a single site collection. What if you have hundreds of site collections? We can easily script a range of common operations.

I prefer to use a CSV-fed approach to manage groups and users. I create a CSV with the name of the group and the users, which I list in pipe-separated format (commas are already being used for the CSV). To read in a CSV, use:

Import-Csv "L:PowerShellAD and SP group mapping.csv"

Let’s get the Site, Root Web, as well as an SPUser for the group owner, and get the groups object:

$Site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($SiteName)
write-host $site.Url
$rootWeb = $site.RootWeb;
$Owner = $rootWeb.EnsureUser($OwnerName)
$Groups = $rootWeb.SiteGroups;

Here’s how to add a Group:

$Groups.Add($SPGroupName, $Owner, $web.Site.Owner, “SharePoint Group to hold AD group for Members")

Here’s how to give the group Read access, for example:

$GroupToAddRoleTo = $Groups[$SPGroupName]
if ($GroupToAddRoleTo) #if group exists
   $MyAcctassignment = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment($GroupToAddRoleTo)
   $MyAcctrole = $RootWeb.RoleDefinitions["Read"]

Here’s how to add a Member to a Group:

$UserObj = $rootWeb.EnsureUser($userName);
if ($UserObj) #if it exists

Note that a duplicate addition of a member is a null-op, throwing no errors.

Here’s how to remove a member:

$UserObj = $rootWeb.EnsureUser($userName);
if ($UserObj)

Here’s how to remove all the members from a given group. This wipes the users from the whole site collection, so use this approach with care and consideration:

$user1 = $RootWeb.EnsureUser($MyUser)

Here’s the full script, with flags to setting the specific actions described above:

Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# uses feedfile to load and create set of SharePoint Groups.
$ADMap= Import-Csv "L:PowerShellAD and SP group mapping.csv"
$OwnerName = "DOMAIN\sp2013farm"
$AddGroups = $false;
$AddMembers = $false;  # optionally populates those groups, Comma separated list
$GrantGroupsRead = $true; #grants read at top rootweb level
$RemoveMembers = $false; # optionally  removes Comma separated list of users from the associated group
$WipeMembers = $false;  # wipes the groups clean        
$WipeUsersOutOfSite = $false;  #The Nuclear option. Useful to eliminate AD groups used directly as groups
 #we do not need a hashtable for this work, but let's load it for extensibility
$MyMap=@{}  #load CSV contents into HashTable
for ($i=0; $i -lt $AD.Count; $i++)
    $MyMap[$ADMap[$i].SharePointGroup] = $ADMap[$i].ADGroup;
# Script changes the letter heading for each site collection
$envrun="Dev"           # selects environment to run in
if ($envrun -eq "Dev")
$siteUrl = "h ttp://DevServer/sites/"
$LoopString = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z"
$LoopStringArr = $LoopString.Split(“,”)
elseif ($envrun -eq "Prod")
$siteUrl = "ht tp://SharePoint/sites/"
$LoopString = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z"
$LoopStringArr = $LoopString.Split(“,”)
Write-Host "ENVIRONMENT SETTING NOT VALID: script terminating..."
$siteUrl =  $null;
Write-Host "script starting"
$myheader = "STARTING: $(get-date)"
foreach ($letter in $LoopStringArr)
    $Site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($SiteName)
    write-host $site.Url
    $rootWeb = $site.RootWeb;
    $Owner = $rootWeb.EnsureUser($OwnerName)
    $Groups = $rootWeb.SiteGroups;
    for ($ADi = 0; $ADi -lt $ADMap.count; $ADi++)
        $SPGroupName = $ADMap[$ADi].SharePoint Group;
        if ($AddGroups)
            if (!$Groups[$SPGroupName]) #no exist, so create
                    $Groups.Add($SPGroupName, $Owner, $web.Site.Owner, “SharePoint Group to hold AD group members")
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkRed "Ouch, could not create $($SPgroupName)"
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen "Already exists: $($SPgroupName)"
        } #endif Add Groups
            if ($GrantGroupsRead)
            $GroupToAddRoleTo = $Groups[$SPGroupName]
            if ($GroupToAddRoleTo) #if group exists
                $MyAcctassignment = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment($GroupToAddRoleTo)
                $MyAcctrole = $RootWeb.RoleDefinitions["Read"]
            } #if the group exists in the first place
        } #ActionFlagTrue
        if ($AddMembers)
            $GroupToAddTo = $Groups[$SPGroupName]
            if ($GroupToAddTo) #if group exists
                $usersToAdd = $ADMap[$ADi].ADGroup;
                if ($usersToAdd.length -gt 0) #if no users to add, skip
                    $usersToAddArr = $usersToAdd.split("|")
                    foreach ($userName in $usersToAddArr)
                            $UserObj = $rootWeb.EnsureUser($userName);
                            if ($UserObj)
                                $GroupToAddTo.addUser($UserObj)  #dup adds are a null-op, throwing no errors
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkRed "cannot add user ($($userName) to $($GroupToAddTo)"
                } #users to add
            } #if the group exists in the first place
        } #ActionFlagTrue
        if ($RemoveMembers)
            $GroupToAddTo = $Groups[$SPGroupName]
            if ($GroupToAddTo) #if group exists
                $usersToAdd = $ADMap[$ADi].SharePoint Group;
                if ($usersToAdd.length -gt 0) #if no users to add, skip
                    $usersToAddArr = $usersToAdd.split("|")
                    foreach ($userName in $usersToAddArr)
                            $UserObj = $rootWeb.EnsureUser($userName);
                            if ($UserObj)
                                $GroupToAddTo.RemoveUser($UserObj)  #dup adds are a null-op, throwing no errors
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkRed "cannot add user ($($userName) to $($GroupToAddTo)"
                } #users to add
            } #if the group exists in the first place
        } #ActionFlagTrue
        if ($WipeMembers)  #Nukes all users in the group
            $GroupToAddTo = $Groups[$SPGroupName]
            if ($GroupToAddTo) #if group exists
                    foreach ($userName in $GroupToAddTo.Users)
                            $UserObj = $rootWeb.EnsureUser($userName);
                            if ($UserObj)
                                $GroupToAddTo.RemoveUser($UserObj)  #dup adds are a null-op, throwing no errors
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkRed "cannot remove user ($($userName) to $($GroupToAddTo)"
            } #if the group exists in the first place
        } #ActionFlagTrue
if ($WipeUsersOutOfSite)  #Nukes all users in the group
        $usersToNuke = $ADMap[$ADi].ADGroup;
        if ($usersToNuke.length -gt 0) #if no users to add, skip
                    $usersToNukeArr = $usersToNuke.split("|")
                    foreach ($MyUser in $usersToNukeArr)
                                    $user1 = $RootWeb.EnsureUser($MyUser)
                                    Write-Host "x1: Failed to ensure user $($MyUser) in $($Site.url)"
                                    Write-Host "x2: Failed to remove $($MyUser) from all users in $($Site.url)"
                                Write-Host "x4: other failure for $($MyUser) in $($Site.url)"
                } #if user is not null
            } #foreach user to nuke
        } #ActionFlagTrue
} #foreach site

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