Content Type Summary Report
Sometimes I get challenged with questions as to which fields are used in which Content Types. All too often I need to know quickly know the internal name of fields used in Content Types. I wrote a script that generates a report that you can run to generate a CSV that can easily be Pivoted in Excel for answering such questions. I’m a huge fan of using a Content Type Syndication Hub. With all the Content Types in one location, this report becomes very useful.
$rootwebname="http ://SharePoint" $rootweb=Get-SPWeb $rootwebname $MyCTSummaryCSV="L:CTSummary.CSV" Add-Content $MyCTSummaryCSV "CT Name,CT Group,Parent CT, CT Read-Only,CT Hidden,Field Internal Name,Field Title,Field Type,ShowInDisplayForm,ShowInEditForm,ShowInNewForm" $CTs=$rootweb.contenttypes for ($i=0; $i -lt $CTs.count; $i++) { $CT=$CTs[$i]; $CTName=$CT.Name; $Fields=$CT.Fields; for ($j=0; $j -lt $Fields.count; $j++) { $Field=$Fields[$j]; $OutStr="$($CTName),$($,$($CT.Parent.Name),$($CT.ReadOnly),$($CT.Hidden),$($Field.staticname),$($Field.Title),$($Field.type),$($Field.ShowInDisplayForm),$($Field.ShowInEditForm),$($Field.ShowInNewForm)" Write-Host "." -NoNewline Add-Content $MyCTSummaryCSV $OutStr #write-host "$($outstr)" } } |
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