When configuring RBS (Remote Blob Storage), we get to select a minimum blob threshold. Setting this offers a tradeoff between performance and storage cost efficiency.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a report of the RBS (Remote Blob Storage) settings for all content databases within a farm? Well, here’s a script that reports on each content database, whether it is configured for RBS, and what that minimum blob threshold size is.
$sep="|" Write-Host "DB Name$($sep)RBS Enabled$($sep)MinBlobThreshold" Get-SPContentDatabase | foreach {; try { $rbs = $_.RemoteBlobStorageSettings; Write-Host "$($_.name)$($sep)$($rbs.enabled)$($sep)$($rbs.MinimumBlobStorageSize)" } catch { write-host -foregroundcolor red "RBS not installed on $($_.name)!`n" Write-Host "$($_.name)$($sep)False$($sep)0" } } |
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