Fixing taxonomy terms after a Metalogix Migration


When migrating from SharePoint 2010 to 2013 using the Metalogix Content Matrix migration tool, a taxonomy issue was encountered. The individual term from the SP2010 source was not applied to the SP2013 destination and associated with the correct term set and term. The destination taxonomy field appeared empty in every sense. It was not […]

Changing URL style within VBA


I recently encountered an issue when a user within a file-select popup navigated to SharePoint via an http: reference, causing the code to fail. It turns out, the code worked great with UNC notation. The routine below prompts for Excel files, and changes any reference to http: and corrects the / orientation to and then […]

SharePoint 2013 issues with IE11


Working with IE11, Web Part pages could not be edited in the browser.  Web parts could not be selected during creating the page, and the web part properties could not be presented for editing.  The problem seems to be specific to IE11.  It works great in IE10. The solution is to set the hostname for […]

PowerGUI vs. PowerShell ISE


Boy, have I become dependent on PowerGUI for PowerShell scripting.  I’ve recently been compelled to use the ISE that comes with Windows, and the differences manifest directly in reduced productivity.  Here are some issues encountered with ISE: – No concurrent separately threaded sessions – No object explorer pane – no split pane – weak top […]